Smoking and drinking affect your fertility!



Smoking and drinking affect your fertility!

Not only aging, but infertility may come from unhealthy habits such as drinking alcohol or smoking. These are greater risks of infertility in both males and females.   Drinking alcohol Even a small amount of alcohol consumption can affect reproductive performance of males and females. It is more difficult to get pregnant. Moderate to heavy alcohol intake may lead a greater risk of pregnancy lost or preterm labor. Moreover, drinking alcohol can affect hormonal system secreted by pituitary gland as well as hormones that control the ovarian performance. Therefore, females […]

What is a good uterus for embryo transfer?



What is a good uterus for embryo transfer?

Endometrial preparation will be performed during 2-5 days after patient’s period starts. The doctor will arrange date and time for embryo transfer by considering ultrasound images together with blood results for hormonal testing in order to ensure the patient has a good uterine cavity. The uterine cavity that is suitable for embryo transfer should has these characteristics as following: 8-10 Millimeters thickness (not over 14 mm.) 3 Layers of uterine lining, smooth, visible middle line Not thickset or dense No fluid inside Once the patient has a perfect endometrium for[…]

Is it necessary to take a day off after embryo transfer?



Is it necessary to take a day off after embryo transfer?

Many women who join the infertility treatment may be wondering whether they should have a sick leave after the embryo transfer in order to get recovery or not? First of all, they need to understand 2 different types of embryo transfer which are fresh cycle and frozen cycle. Fresh Cycle: Ovarian stimulation, ovum retrieval and embryo transfer will be performed within the same menstrual cycle. That is once the eggs and sperm have been retrieved and fertilized, the embryos are raised until Day 2-3 or they reach Blastocyst stage. If[…]