สัญญาณไข่ตก, Signal of Ovulation,排卵的7个表现

7 Signals of Ovulation

In female’s life, many women may not aware of their ovulation until they need to have a baby.

Knowing the ovulation behavior is very important because it helps you to get a baby easier. Ovulation period means the perfect time for couple to have sex. Sperm will fertilize with egg then become the embryo, growing up inside the womb and born to be a baby eventually.

Apart from menstrual cycle calculation (14 days after the first day of bleeding will be the next ovulation day), women can notice their ovulation period from these 7 signals as below:

1. Fertile Cervical Mucus
You may see some clear mucus like raw egg white discharging from vagina. It is glutinous and stretchable well because of the increasing in estrogen hormone. Making leukorrhea or vaginal discharge slippery and clear. Allowing sperm approach and fertilize with egg more conveniently.

2. Genital Changing
Because of hormone effect, vagina will become more swollen, soft and moist.

3. Breast Engorgement
Women may have the engorgement at breast or nipple before or after ovulation as the result of hormones changing during the ovulation time.

4. Warmer Body Temperature
After ovulation, body temperature will be 0.3-0.6 degree Celsius higher. This is another way to observe your ovulation behavior. But you need to measure it correctly and continuously. By putting thermometer under tongue after you get up in the morning everyday and don’t forget to take a note of it. If your temperature is higher, you reach the ovulation. This is the perfect time to have sex within 1-2 days.

5. Flatulence, Stomachache
Women may have abdominal pain, flatulence, distension since the ovary is enlarging during ovulation cycle.

6. Better Sensibility
Development of hormones inside the body will cause many women have a better sensibility such as smell, taste or touch. Some women may become sentimental easily as well.

7. Eroticism
During this period of time, women are very passionate. Therefore, it is great if husband will understand and response by personal way as the couple is being in the perfect time to have a baby. Please go ahead!

Let’s try to check these signals above. We hope our suggestions can help you and your husband get a baby easier.



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Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.

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