Infertility? A big problem for those who want a baby!

Still young and healthy, why experience infertility?


Firstly, we have to explain about infertility. Infertility is a condition in which people have sexual activity regularly without using birth control over 1 year without getting pregnant.

The main factors influencing infertility are as follows:

Such as drinking, smoking, substance addiction, unhealthy foods and stress

Aging and healthy conditions
Female: Sexually transmitted diseases and health problems caused by hormonal imbalance and aging such as anovulation, blocked fallopian tubes, myomas, cysts, PCOS, irregular periods etc.
Male: Being sterile, hormonal abnormalities causing low sperm volume, abnormal morphology, unhealthy sperm, erectile dysfunction etc.

However, infertility can be caused by both sides. If you have tried for too long with no success, please see the doctor for diagnosis on the cause for the right treatment plan to have a baby.

If you’re interested in our ICSI program, kindly find more details as below website: Click Here


ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is an in vitro fertilization procedure with the laboratory technology. Both IVF and ICSI are comprising of similar procedures. But the difference is how sperm will fertilize an egg. In ICSI program, only one best sperm cell will be selected then injected directly into a fully matured egg. Patients will be prescribed some hormonal medications. Stimulating ovaries to produce several eggs. ICSI can make a pleasant fertilization rate. As well as reduces some fertilization problems or abnormalities caused from egg and sperm. For examples: multiple sperm fertilize an egg, sperm cannot penetrate the egg. The combined egg will transform to be an embryo after fertilization. Next, the embryo will be raised and will grow up among the appropriate environment inside a laboratory. Finally, the embryo will be transferred to the uterine cavity in order to implant then develop to be the fetus later on.
Couples who should receive the infertility treatment with ICSI program:
Female’s age more than 35 years
Stenosis for both sides of the fallopian tube
Severe Endometriosis
Ovarian hormone dysfunction for examples: Chronic Anovulation, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Severe sperm abnormalities including sperm morphology, sperm count, sperm motility
Male who is sterile or had a vasectomy but the body can still produce sperm. To extract sperm under this limitation, a surgical procedure will be performed such as PESA, TESA, TESE.
Couples who have failed from previous IVF cycle
Couples who prefer to screen the embryo’s genetic diseases

IUI (Intrauterine insemination)

IUI is an insemination treatment for the purpose of injecting sperm directly into the uterus, increasing the chances of pregnancy. This treatment works together with the egg stimulation along with the medication and ultrasound scan. Once the ovarian follicle is mature, enough you will have a final hormone injection to help your eggs to become fully mature and stimulate the ovulation. As a result of this medication, we can estimate your ovulation day accurately, and make an appointment for the sperm injection into your uterus.

Couples who should proceed with IUI
1. Couples who cannot detect the causes of infertility.
2. Female has irregular oviduct but at least one side of tube must not be blocked in order to let sperm travel and fertilize an egg.
3. Female has cervical stenosis.
4. Sperm disorders are mild to moderate.
5. Women has ovulation problem.

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