เนื้องอกมดลูก,子宫肌瘤, Myoma uteri

What causes myoma uteri?

Myoma uteri or uterine fibroid which is found among 80 – 90% of women is not malignant tumors.

Although the actual causes are still unknown but we believe it comes from abnormal cell division. Women who are carrying the genetic disorder may be considered as vulnerable group. However, none of studies can explain clearly about what makes it happen.   

How to test myoma uteri

1. Attend medical check up annually, especially PV test (pelvic and vaginal examination). In case of myoma uteri is bigger than 3 cm., it can be found by palpation.
2. Uterine ultrasound test (able to test per lower abdomen or vagina)

Symptoms of myoma uteri

1. Bladder irritability (urinary frequency), urinary fragmentary
2. Defecation difficulty
3. Heavy menstruation
4. Period pain or severe lower abdominal pain during or out of menstrual period.

Guidelines for women who found myoma uteri before or during pregnancy

1. Consult with doctor in order to evaluate whether this myoma affects the fetus or they should attend the treatment program or not.
2. Join the antenatal care immediately. In the first quarter, doctor can diagnose myoma uteri very easily because its size is not quite huge. Doctor can also record the characteristic information and position for the purpose of further follow up diagnosis as well.
3. Notice any symptoms caused from myoma uteri. For examples: abdominal pain, in case of serious pain they need to hurry up to visit doctor. And they should not purchase the painkiller by themselves as it may affect their fetus. Moreover, they also visit doctor as soon as possible if they have the abnormal vaginal bleeding.
4. Avoid doing any hard activities which can induce premature delivery. For examples: working hard or having sex during abdominal pain.
5. Eating healthy foods especially protein foods, fruits & vegetables in order to maintain their body weight during pregnancy. Mothers who are overweight will make their fetus become oversize then it is very risky for premature delivery or childbirth difficulty.
6. Follow the doctor’s appointment regularly in order to check myoma size and track the growth of fetus.

Myoma uteri may cause many risks during pregnancy.

1. Infertility risk or the myoma is getting bigger until pressing the uterine cavity then disturbing the embryo implantation. Some women who are carrying huge myoma may experience several recurrent miscarriages consequently.
2. Uterine pain caused from the enlarging myoma during pregnancy.
3. Risk of premature delivery as myoma is making myometrium become inflexible. Therefore, myometrium size is not suitable for gestational age.
4. Fetal growth restriction or intrauterine growth restriction caused from placenta is attaching in the same area as myoma uteri occurred. This situation is disturbing transportation of nutrients, oxygen, blood via placenta and umbilical cord then affects the fetal growth accordingly.
5. Bleeding throughout pregnancy period or threatened abortion
6. Delivery difficulty or natural childbirth impossibly since fetus may stay in the obstructive posture which is caused from myoma is blocking mother’s vagina.
7. Bleeding after childbirth due to myoma uteri makes myometrium become inflexible after giving birth.

Therefore, women should aware their physical condition or attend medical check up regularly. They also should consult with obstetric & gynecologist once they have any abnormalities.

Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.

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