What to do before Sperm preservation!

For men who are going to the sperm examination or preservation, many may still have no idea what to prepare before seeing the doctor. We have some suggestions for you.


First, let’s focus on your lifestyle. Do you have any routine that may affect sperm preservation? Do you stress, drink alcohol, smoke, etc.? If you do one of these things, then, you should take a break from it. We recommend you start exercising as well because it will help with better sperm quality.

For the preparation before the preservation day, you should refrain from ejaculation for at least 2-7 days to keep the sperm at its best quality, judging from its concentration and how it looks, so that we can most effectively interpret the quality of sperm.

If you have just ejaculated or have not ejaculated in a long time, it could lead to false interpretation. This is the reason why you should refrain from ejaculation in 2-7 days.

Most importantly, avoid doing sperm preservation when you are sick or on medications. In order to preserve sperm, you need to be in good health.

🚩 Semen Analysis at Prime Fertility Clinic

We offer semen analysis program to examine the cause of infertility in male at only 2,500 Baht.
The program analyzes sperm counts, concentration, motility, appearance and more . We also include history taking, body examination, and other examinations in the operating room to obtain the most suitable treatment.

🚩Contact us for more information at: Inbox : m.me/primefertilitycenter หรือ Line @primefertility (http://line.me/ti/p/~@primefertility)

Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.

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