จริงหรือไม่ใช้ยาคุมเสี่ยงมะเร็ง,Contraceptives can increase cancer risk. True or False?,服用避孕药是否导致癌症?,Contraceptives can increase cancer risk.

Contraceptives can increase cancer risk. True or False?

Contraceptives medication will increase estrogen level inside the body for the purpose of birth control. Is prolonged use or frequent use risky to have a cancer?


Generally, contraceptives consist of 2 synthetic hormones which are estrogen and progestin. Risks of having uterine cancer or ovarian cancer cause from high estrogen in the body for a long period of time:

• Having menstruation at young age (before 12 years old)
• Delay of menopause or menstruation stops after woman reaches 55 years old
• Woman who doesn’t have any child

   Using contraceptives medication neither oral medicine nor injection is not a great risk of having cancer. It can slightly increase cancer risk from adding estrogen level into
the body. But the medicine does not contain this hormone in the high volume. On the other hand, woman who has stopped taking contraceptives more than 10 years will have lower cancer risk same as woman who has never comeback to use the medicine again.

What kinds of cancer may cause from the prolonged use of contraceptives?
• Breast Cancer
• Uterine Cavity Cancer
• Liver Cancer

  However, contraceptives can reduce the risk of having some kinds of cancer for example:
• Ovarian Cancer
• Endometrial Cancer

   Therefore, using contraceptive is not dangerous as many people concern.

Women should not use contraceptive if it can cause a cancer risk, should they?
   No, women can use it as normal because contraceptive is useful medication. It causes a cancer risk just a bit due to the major risks come from more significant reasons: heredity, physical condition, nutrition, environment, etc.

How to use contraceptive in the right way to avoid cancer risk:
1. Use when it is necessary and will not accelerate a cancer risk significantly for example: underlying disease, family members or close contacted person are having relevant medical history.
2. Use other birth control method such as letting husband use male condom.
3. Eating healthy foods
4. Exercise regularly, Keep being healthy
5. Attend the cancer testing / screening for every 6 months – 1 year

  So, please do not worry too much. Contraceptive also has many benefits for example:
– Women can use it easily and get efficiency (in case using correctly, punctually)
– Relieve period pain
– Reduce volume of menstruation
– Reduce some symptoms that occur before having menstruation such as pimple from hormone’s change
– Keep menstruation behavior normal / regular
– For the oral contraceptive, women can be pregnant once stop using the medicine.



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Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.

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