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Q&A with Dr. Poonkiat: What should woman do before the ovum retrieval?

The ovum retrieval (egg pick up) is a part of the infertility treatment by ICSI method.

Nowadays, some women prefer to have a family plan using the ovum retrieval for freeze their eggs.

It is considered to be the preparation before getting married and it is popular in most people.

          The primary purpose of ovum retrieval is concerning about the oocyte volume and quality obtained. For the oocyte volume, the first important factor is the age of proprietor. Young woman can produce oocyte more than the elderly person. Women in 35 years onwards will have less oocyte volume continuously. Therefore, if you are facing infertility problem or prefer to store your egg for the future use, please do it as soon as possible. Attending in younger age is more effective than older. Under the same dosage of medication. Sometimes it doesn’t work even though the older patient receives more medicines due to oocyte is deteriorated and the response to medication will be decreased accordingly.

          Apart from the age issue, physical condition is also significant for the oocyte qualification. Aging makes egg quality become extremely lower. Especially, after 40 years, the oocyte will be inferior in both volume and qualification. I would say every woman needs to accept this circumstance. Remaining healthy is important way to help you relieve this obstacle. At least you should prepare yourself in advance for approximately 1-3 months or one month minimum.

         How to keep being healthy starts from the personal lifestyle. Avoid drinking alcohol as well as smoking. Sleeping is also important. Having the sufficient sleep and going to bed earlier will help hormone working properly. After 9 pm is the suitable bedtime. I recommend you to sleep for 8 hours daily. But it doesn’t mean to sleep from 2 am until 11 am in order to complete 8 hours. Because you will not receive the Growth Hormone which is secreting during non-REM sleep (deep sleep) period only (around midnight until 1 am). Woman who sleeps at late night will have problem about egg quality no matter how younger she is. As well as some women who work on shift or having insufficient sleep for example: air hostess or night shift person. Their jobs will affect egg qualification due to the body systems are disturbed and deteriorated.

         Suggestion for food; I recommend eating 5 food categories and variety. Avoid drinking tea, coffee or any unhealthy foods.

         Folate or Folic is the example of essential nutrient. Woman can take it 1 pill a day. Another significant nutrient is Iron. Apart from eating red meat, egg, fish, animal’s liver or offal, fruits and vegetables, people can obtain Iron nutrient by vitamin supplement as the hematinic medicine.

         Moreover, other supplementary foods include multivitamin, vitamin C, vitamin B and COQ10 are the good choice for healthy woman without any medical problems. But others supplements should be advised by obstetrician-gynecologist before taking. I don’t recommend any uncommon herb as it might contain steroid substance disturbing hormone systems. In case of your preference, please select the one with standard and clarification which type it is. Then you can make sure it is safe for your health.

         The process of ovum retrieval (before egg freezing) is used for the purpose of infertility treatment by ICSI method. This process will give more preferable result when attending before the age of 35 years.

         However, we will not expect the volume of oocyte from the elderly patients. We had better need the qualification because woman can have a child by only 1 qualified oocyte. Nevertheless, patient who has a lot of reserved eggs will have low risk in case of inferior oocyte obtained or disqualified embryo. That means more selections and more opportunity to conceive.


Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.


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