เตรียมตัวก่อนตั้งครรภ์,怀孕前的准备, preparation before having a child

Wish to have a baby … prepare yourself formerly

For the couple who wish to have a baby, it is very important to prepare yourself before being pregnant for both husband and wife.

In order to increase the success pregnancy rate and the baby will have the perfect physical condition. Don’t forget that the wellness of mom and dad can bring the baby becoming healthy.

     These techniques will show you how the couple can prepare themselves to get ready for having a baby. Definitely, it is very simple to do.

  • Medical Check Up and Consult with Doctor

This is a good step to start with. Making a childbirth plan with the specialist includes the medical check up to identify and treat the physical problems that might affect the pregnancy, the genetic disease as well as the ovulation calculation.

  • Vaccination

Besides the medical check up, the doctor will examine the physical immunity and wife will receive the necessary vaccines before pregnancy such as Rubella vaccine, Chickenpox vaccine. After that the patient will be under the birth control for at least 3 months then coming back to attend the treatment later.

  • Dental Care

The good dental health is very important to become pregnant. As the dental caries may cause the problem during pregnancy period. Therefore, please visit the dentist before having a baby.

  • Stop using the Contraceptives

The couple who have a childbirth plan should stop using the Contraceptives for 2-3 months prior to being pregnant in order to have the uterine working normally.

  • Body Weight

Overweight or underweight in female can affect the pregnancy. So, the couple should take care and keep BMI rate (Body Mass Index) being in the standard criteria. Improvement in eating and nutrition or exercise will help you to have the suitable weight which is good for your health and easily to be pregnant.

  • Foods and Vitamin Supplement

Healthy eating, 5 foods categories, avoid the alcohol drinks, coffee or smoking are good for the mother-to-be. Moreover, vitamin supplement is also essential for example: Folate which is recommended to take 1 pill per day for 1-3 months prior to be pregnant. It will help the baby being healthy, away from the congenital disorders.

  • Relaxation, No Stress

Stress will disrupt many systems inside human body including the ovulation and sperm quality. Therefore, both husband and wife should avoid the stress and have enough sleep for 8 hours daily. Refresh your mind and body.


Once you are ready to have a baby, don’t forget going out, taking a trip, moving to a new environment will make you fulfill your wish as the other couples. However, if you worry about the infertility of your partner, please do not hesitate to consult with the specialist as soon as possible in order to receive the appropriate treatment accordingly.


Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.


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