Ectopic Pregnancy,宫外孕,ท้องนอกมดลูก,มีลูกยาก

Getting to know…… “Ectopic Pregnancy”

Ectopic Pregnancy occurs when embryo is transferring to the uterine cavity for implantation but unable to reach the correct position.

       So, embryo attaches outside the uterus, mostly occurs in the fallopian tubes.

      Causes of ectopic pregnancy are from fallopian tubes disorder and embryo abnormality. Fertilization between egg and sperm happens inside fallopian tubes after that embryo will slowly transfer to the uterine cavity. Therefore, fascia, inflammation or any disorders inside the fallopian tubes will obstruct the embryo movement. As well as the inferior embryo will delay to approach the uterine cavity.

       Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy also include smoking, emergency contraceptive pills, pelvic inflammatory disease or fallopian tubes infection, etc.

       Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are abdominal pain also severe and critical abdominal bleeding lead the patient to terminate the pregnancy eventually. Then, the surgery is frequently used as the treatment accordingly.


Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.


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