What should you do if you are not well during the ovarian stimulation or embryo transfer procedure?

During these procedures, if the female has no severe sickness, mostly there should be no issue to continue the treatment. 

However, for severe condition, it is advisable to postpone the timeframe to ensure a good physical condition of the patient.

During those important procedures of the infertility treatment, such as: ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, and embryo transfer. There should be no issue if the female does not have any severe illness.

If the patient has a low fever for few days during the egg retrieval or embryo transfer, this case can be considered not serious. When the overall body is healthy, no asthma, no severe chronic illness, the patient is supposed to be treated as normal.

Even though to perform egg retrieval during sickness is quite risky to get low-quality eggs, but there is no need to cancel or stop this procedure. However, it is a case by case basis. If the patient who has asthma catch a cold, it is possible that asthma will attack. In addition, during the egg retrieval, the patient will receive the anesthetic, which is risky to trigger the asthma condition.

Therefore, the patient should consult with the doctor who specialized in the infertility treatment in order to identify the sickness or any abnormal conditions and how serious it is. Mostly when the doctor considers the case as a minor sickness with no effect on the treatment, there will be no need to postpone or cancel the procedure. However, it is important to check the patient’s physical condition. Especially, the patient has to inform the doctor of medicine taken.

For the severe condition, it is advisable to postpone the timeframe to ensure a good physical condition of the patient. Therefore, the case should be followed up as it is possible that someone may catch a typical cold and take medicine or 2-3 days, but then it becomes serious with tonsillitis. For a case like this, some patients may have to consider postponing the date, while some patients are not affected much and can continue without problem.

For that reason, during the treatment procedures, the patient should take better care of themselves, eat proper nutrition that is clean and fresh, have enough rest, but not to be very serious. As well as keep the doctor informed when there is something unusual or might be sickness in order the receive the appropriate treatment.


Dr. Poonkiat Punyamitr

Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Infertility Treatment Specialist

Prime Fertility Clinic


Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.



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