ปวดท้องประจำเดือน,痛经造成难孕,Menstrual cramps are risky to be infertile

Menstrual cramps are risky to be infertile

The dysmenorrhea condition that many women experience is considered to be another reason of infertility.

It could be regarded as a sickness and a reason of infertility. The dysmenorrhea condition can be categorized into 2 types as follows:

  1. Primary Dysmenorrhea, and;
  2. Secondary Dysmenorrhea
  • Primary Dysmenorrhea

This condition is a natural menstrual cramping pain with no sickness and abnormality complication. The dysmenorrhea can begin during menstruation. The symptom starts from hormones change causing the body to adapt. During this time, the uterine myocytes are beginning to contract, the endometrium is beginning to shed off, and some substance may trigger the pain in the lower abdomen, including body aches, headache, abdominal distension, or have diarrhea. However, the pain is not intense and only lasts for 1-3 days.

  • Secondary Dysmenorrhea

This condition is an abnormal menstrual cramping pain that could occur because of a disease or abnormality. It is considered the menstrual pain with other causes not just a normal adaptation during menstrual bleeding. If you have menstrual cramps due to this case, the treatment will depend on the cause or what kind of disease you have. The major diseases that cause menstrual cramps are Chocolate Cyst or Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. This group of the disease has symptoms very similar to menstrual cramps but more intense. Some people have severe pain making them unable to perform work.


The following signs show the abnormal menstrual cramps:

  • The unbearable severe pain that you need to take the painkiller to cure. You need to take stronger medicines or increase the dose;
  • Having pain and fever;
  • Having severe pain that makes you absent from work. What you can do is lying down helplessly;
  • Having pain on one side of the body, pain in some specific area, and deeply hurt in the buttocks;
  • Having pain on the anal when excretion, especially during menstruation even having no constipation;
  • Nausea and vomit;
  • Unable to have sex because of the severe pain in the vagina;
  • Having heavy menstrual bleeding that you have to change sanitary pads many times during the day. Losing too much blood making you pale, dizzy, or faint;
  • Infertility

If you have the above symptoms, you may suspect that it is not the primary dysmenorrhea or normal menstrual cramps. You need to consult with the doctor to do PV test, ultrasound to examine uterus and ovaries, which are not complicated.

I want to recommend all women immediately seeking consultation from the doctor when you have severe menstrual cramps. Please do not hesitate to wait for the next menstruation or menstrual cramps to occur. The doctor will advise if you need to examine anything specifically. You need to see the doctor as soon as possible. It will be fast to diagnose any disease or abnormality even though some symptoms may become noticeable during menstruation. The later you come, the less time to cure. Once you come for the examination, you will get the right treatment. Please don’t underestimate, take no action and let the situation becomes severe.

The treatments will concern whether the patient wishes to have a baby. If the patient wants to have a baby, we recommend consulting with the obstetrician who is specialized in infertility because disease-specific treatment may make you lose some opportunity. Or when you are treated severe dysmenorrhea, make sure to ask the doctor what do you need to do to have a baby. Because to have some treatments like taking hormones or operations may affect fertility or causing infertility. For example, if you have a Chocolate Cyst and do not inform the doctor that you want to have a baby, the treatment may be to cut the ovary straight away cause one missing ovary. Later on, when you want to have a baby, you come to treat infertility. It is difficult to be successful when you can stimulate only one ovary. In the end, there might be no egg to use. You may need to seek donation of eggs from the others, or lose the opportunity of having a baby. Well, here’s just a sample of the patient who missed the opportunity when not clarify her need. Some patients may never think about having a baby in the past, and then it will be too late.

It is a long-term plan to have a child. You need to be careful to avoid solving the problem at a later point and finally feeling sorry.

It is a significant matter to get a cure for Dysmenorrhea. Don’t be neglect. When you need the treatment, make sure to discuss and make a clear plan of proper treatment, which will benefit most to the patient.


Dr. Poonkiat Punyamitr

Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Infertility Treatment Specialist

Prime Fertility Clinic


Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.


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