Preparation before consulting with doctor (For infertility treatment)

Although seeing the infertility treatment specialist for the first time is not inconvenient at all.

But the couple who are well-prepared prior to visit the doctor will make the specialist can collect all necessary information more completely and the case will be done with better result.

1. Medical History of husband, wife and family members

This is a significant primary information. Your medical history and your husband as well as any underlying medical conditions (it is very great practice to bring the annual physical examination for reference of your treatment.) including any diseases involved with genitals for examples: chocolate cyst, uterine surgery, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, etc. Duration you have had that disease and the additional information about your treatment should be prepared if you have any of them.

Moreover, significant medical history belonged to your family members should be informed to the doctor as well for examples: diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, heart disease, endometriosis, infertility problems, etc.

2. Menstrual Description

It is another important information. Concerning about your menstruation cycle, bleeding duration, regularity, the latest period. Including other supporting data such as heavily or slightly bleeding, how many sanitary pads you need to use daily, menstrual characteristic, period cramp or any pains/disorders.

3. Medical records about infertility treatment
If your couple has never attended the infertility treatment program before, you will need to prepare only whatever you and your husband have tried in order to have a baby for examples: taking herbal medicine, vitamin supplementary, acupuncture, ovulation tracking, etc.

In case you have experienced in the infertility treatment already, please notify it to the doctor. For instance: treatment method, how many times, how long you have been in that program, etc. These will be useful for the doctor’s diagnosis and your treatment plan later on.

4. Prepare your inquiries
Many people intend to get answers for their questions. But whenever they are seeing the doctor, some of them have forgotten or may be unable to collect their answers clearly.
So, please take a note anything you need to know then you will complete every inquiry once visiting the doctor. And don’t forget to highlight main issue advised by the doctor in order to avoid negligence unintentionally.

5. Inform doctor about your concern
If you are worried about your health issue or treatment process, please consult and notify the doctor for examples: abortion experience, serious menstrual cramp, regret from previous treatment, etc. Therefore, the doctor will be able to review your case or ease your problem before starting the treatment.

These 5 tips are interesting and useful for your preparation. Let’s try out.



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Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.

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