What would be the criteria for Semen Analysis according to WHO 2021?

Semen Analysis according to WHO 2021 is a semen examination in both quantitative methods (Volume and motility) and qualitative methods (Morphology). The latest WHO criteria are in the year 2021

It is to determine the cause of male infertility and also to follow up those who received vasectomy.

The analysis is divided into 2 sections as follows:

  1. Macroscopic examination: It is a visual inspection of semen on liquefaction, viscosity, appearance, volume pH etc.
  2. Microscopic examination: It is a method which uses a microscope to examine sperm on total count, motility, viability, morphology, total white blood cell count, total white blood cell count etc.

In order to examine sperm abnormalities, WHO 2021 specify the criteria of semen analysis as follows:

  1. Volume should be equal or more than 1.4 milliliters
  2. Total count should be equal or more than 39 million 
  3. Motility should be equal or more than 42%
  4. Viability should be equal or more than 54%
  5. Morphology should be equal or more than 4 %

If there are any abnormal indicators after the result is released, men can get next semen analysis in next 90 days since the full cycle of semen production takes 3 months starting from cell regeneration until travel to the tube.

Uraiwan Jamroenkrai

Medical Technologist

Reference: Prime Fertility Center Co., Ltd.

Semen Analysis Service : https://www.primefertilitycenter.com/en/services-en/semen-analysis-en/

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